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Climate Change

Our region is extremely vulnerable to climate change. Climate change will affect the Pacific way of life which our forefathers have persevered to build and preserve over thousands of years. The loss of coastal infrastructure and land through rising sea levels, the intensity and abnormality of cyclones and droughts causing devastation and havoc to our ecosystems, the loss of coral reefs and mangroves affecting our delicate marine biodiversity and traditional food supply, and the spread of diseases carried by vectors, pathogens and food is an ever-growing threat to the health of our population that is already burdened by non-communicable diseases.


Climate change is a complex, multi-stakeholder problem. Pacific Development consultants has helped countries with their climate challenges by developing a clear path to a sustainable approach that spans strategy, planning, and implementation. 


Where we serve our clients:


  • Climate modelling

  • Climate scenario planning and preparedness

  • Early warning systems implementation

  • Vulnerability assessments and adaptation strategies

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